Jun 5, 2011

Churpie the Churp-Churp bird

Bile bukak je Says.my dengan Churp-Churp, rata-rata kempen pasal contest.

Contest Facebook photo for next face of clean & clear, Minum Teh menang kereta, 100 plus, Orea T-card for fathers day dan lagi-lagi.

Tapi dalam banyak-banyak contest ni, ade satu yang menarik. haha

Mesti ramai je gadis-gadis jawab ye. haha

Contest seekor burung yang comel, Churpie the Churp-Churp bird.

Kate burung ini, setelah 2 tahun memegang takhta sebagai Cutes Thing, die nak kongsi title tu dengan orang lain pulak. haha

What a great bird!! haha

Hadiah tak la mewah, tapi contest pon tak la susah.

Hantar je picture yang korang rase korang nampak cute then tunggu vote orang ramai utk "like" korang yang comel tu.. hehe

Nie care-care nye :
  1. Upload the cutest photo of yourself (not your pets!) during the submission phase
    (May 31 – June 06, 2011)
  2. Wait for the Churp Churp team to assess your cute-ability level
  3. Once you’ve been chosen, gather your friends to vote for your photo during the voting phase
    (June 07 – June 13, 2011)
  4. The TOP 5 photos with the most votes from Singapore and Malaysia will stand a chance to win limited edition Churp Churp merchandise!
  • You must be a citizen/PR of Malaysia or Singapore

Sila ke sini untuk detail dan melihat picture-picture yang diorang rase diorang cute ^_^

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