Nov 25, 2011

Soalan dari Says

Setelah sekian lama, harini tergerak hati nak buka akaun Says ni. Dah lama tak buka. Jumlah duit pon lama dah tak berganjak. Tak pe lah, benda tu tak penting pon.

Tapi satu section yang saye suka dalam Says ni adelah QnA. Jom saye nak share satu soalan dan jawapan yang menarik untuk dikongsikan.

"Hi everyone , I sort of read an article just now . and I feel like I have the need to share it with all of you, my fellow buddies. I wish to know what are you opinions on this topic. I do not know what I should really write in the topic section, so I'm sorry for that random statement . But what I can assure you is that, it is matches the categories specifications. >.<
MAY 18 — I’ve left Malaysia for about nine years now, and lived and worked in several countries such as Singapore, China and, now, Hong Kong.
The past and recent news reports on brain drain have pretty much summarised the reasons for leaving Malaysia except they were not accepted by our leaders. I’ll just echo some of the findings by relating my personal experience.
Social injustice
Unable to get into local universities even with good academic results. Mine was a working-class family and my dad had to work extremely hard to save (barely) enough money to put me through a private college (whose quality could be questioned).
It was a twinning program with an American university. A large portion of our class (100 per cent non-Bumiputera) didn’t end up going to the America for their final year to “twin” with the university because of financial difficulties. Those who did, like me, mostly have remained overseas.
Low income
I did return to work in Kuala Lumpur briefly. My salary was so pathetic I was constantly worried about having to work for 10-15 years before my dad’s investment in my education could be recovered.
Lack of meritocracy
My first job was with a government-linked corporation. We were educated, but quite explicitly some management positions were only given to the Malays. On the other hand, and to be fair, many private companies selectively avoid hiring Malays because of a general perception that they are less competent compared to the other races. Neither the GLCs nor private firms were actively promoting or hiring the best without an implied policy based on skin colour.
Barriers to returning
Today, after over a decade of working, I’ve established my finances, and started up a family in Hong Kong. Returning to Malaysia is not impossible but many barriers lie ahead.
My wife is Korean. We have heard of horror stories about the difficulty of foreign spouses not being able to get permanent residence/citizenship in Malaysia despite years of residency.
Our son was born in Korea. When we approached the Malaysian consulate to register him, we were told we would have to wait up to a year to get a reply. A year to register a child with an uncertain outcome? Something is very wrong.
At the same time, a friend’s construction company doesn’t seem to have any problem getting his Indonesian workers ICs with speedy approvals.
If it’s so difficult to register our son, will he be able to get into a local school? What about quality of education? If I have to take a pay-cut (easily 60 per cent) to return to the country, I’d need to be reassured that quality education can be obtained cheaply (or at 60 per cent discount too).
It’s not very encouraging to learn from the news and ranking of Malaysian public universities that have been on the decline year after year. Will I want to return to the country and repeat the same history my dad went through to put his son to college?
Lack of economic focus
Years ago, this was manufacturing. What about now? What has happened to MSC and the various corridors? What’s our niche? What sectors can overseas Malaysian go back to? Banking? Biotech? Agriculture? Oil and gas? All I hear thousands of miles away in the past few years is some sexual allegations about Anwar Ibrahim.
Lack of positive publicity and encouragement
Every time when we return to Malaysia for holidays or when we meet Malaysians outside of the country (getting very often these days), we are asked not to return by friends, relatives and strangers.
Some even asked us how to get out of the country! Imagine having your foreign spouse hearing all these negative comments about your own country... not to mention, it’s getting easier to meet your friends and relatives outside of the country than in Malaysia.

* We asked readers who have migrated to tell us in their own words why they left. This is one of the stories.
* ES reads The Malaysian Insider.
Link to original post by The Malaysian Insider
This question is somehow a little sensitive. It might be marked as spam or reported as abusive for some reasons you and I know. but I wish people to realize that this is real . I am actually experiencing some of these myself . I am Malaysian-born Indonesian, I am definitely not Malay-Bumiputera. I cant get to public university because of ...well urm ... this ? and some other stuffs too. Hmmm~ I love Malaysia, but the country does not seem to love me. So yeah, I decide to migrate elsewhere when I'm done with everything here too >.< So what is your opinion about this topic? I would love to know ~_~ "

So, ini lah lebih soalan yang diajukan. Korang boleh bagi pendapat kalau nak.. ^^
Soalan untuk difikirkan bersama.

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