Sep 4, 2012

EIT Visit

Semalam merupakan hari yang aku rasa sangat tough bagi aku.

Sepanjang hari aku rasa macam aku terpaksa "dragging my soul".

Nak kemana mana macam terpaksa je tarik.

Starting from the moment I woke up, I feel like my heart gonna be explode.

This is my 1st experience.

Having a presentation with a strangers.

Not my classmate anymore.

At first, I'm just thinking that I'll be dead.

With both of my supervisor and lectures have a common behavior.

Cerewet and sangat teliti.

Waiting for the time to reach at 3pm just like waiting my self to be hang up.

Never in my life having this kind of "nervous".

However, everything went up smoothly.

Aku tak maksudkan my presentation tapi perjalanan sepanjang lectures visit tu for me ok.

Sir datang, present then factory visit.

It take about almost 2 hour for everything.

Yang lama coz Sir jumpa dengan seorang Engineer ni, ex student UIA jugak.

So, borak panjang la.

Engineer ni macam sangat excited coz having his lectures come and visit.

Overall, I just want to say Alhamdulillah and thanks to everyone whom that get involve in my Industrial Training.

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